If you are a member of SC AHEC this course is free with an enrollment key which you may obtain from the AHEC contact person within your organization.
If you are purchasing this course the cost is $75.00.
Course Description: This program will review heart failure; the differences between systolic and diastolic dysfunction as well as acute vs. chronic heart failure. Case studies will be examined. The pharmacological treatment for each condition will be discussed. Finally, patient & staff education will be reviewed.
Instructor: Cynthia MacDonald, MSN, APRN, BC
Target Audience: Nurses and any other interested healthcare providers
Learning Outcomes: After completing this activity, the participant will be able to:
- Analyze the multifaceted aspects of acute stroke care.
- Examine regional variations in practice when caring for a stroke patient.
Length of Course: 3 hours
Credit Statements:
Licensed Nurses: Upstate AHEC is an accredited provider of Nursing Professional Development by the American Nurses Credentialing Centers Commission on Accreditation.
Upon successful completion of this program, participants will receive 3.0 contact hours with 2.0 pharmacology hours.
Other: This educational offering provides 0.3 CEUs (3.0 clock hour) by Upstate AHEC and meets SC AHEC Best Practice Standards.
Disclosure Statement:
Upstate AHEC's conflict of interest policy requires faculty to disclose any real or apparent commercial financial affiliations related to the content of their presentations/materials.
The speaker(s) has/have signed a vested interest form declaring no conflict of interest in educational activities.
Provisions of this educational activity by Upstate AHEC does not imply endorsement by Upstate AHEC or ANCC of any commercial products displayed in conjunction with this activity.