
The Upstate AHEC Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program exists to help improve health outcomes and quality of life for South Carolinians through the provision of accessible, high quality, evidence-based continuing professional development. Upstate AHEC is committed to providing a wide-ranging selection of continuing professional development programs for clients and partners in our 11-county Upstate region (Abbeville, Anderson, Edgefield, Greenville, Greenwood, Laurens, McCormick, Oconee, Pickens, Saluda, and Spartanburg) and beyond.

Upstate AHEC provides continuing professional development via many modalities. These include, live in-person, live webinar, AHECU online, and SC AHEC Learning Portal (ALP) online continuing professional development programs. These programs are designed to meet the education and training needs of our health care workforce. Upstate AHEC strives to offer top-notch programs that will aid healthcare professionals in expanding their knowledge, increasing their competency, and maintaining professional licensure and certification.

Course options include: